Travel & Learn: Vocabulary from Real-Life Adventures (Charley – Fujinomiya)

Fujinomiya - Trip Article

Last January 13, we went to Fujinomiya to enjoy a nice view of Mt. Fuji with my husband’s brother and some friends from church.

We stopped by Fuji Station, hoping to take a picture of the Shinkansen with Mt. Fuji in the background. However, since we couldn’t find the best spot to take the photo and there were obstructions blocking the view, we gave up and continued our journey to Fujinomiya.

We were supposed to eat the famous yakisoba in Fujinomiya. However, since we took too long at Fuji Station, we had to eat there instead.

Overall, the trip was nice, and our friend took our picture inside the train with Mt. Fuji in the background. It turned out pretty well! We want to go back again with our other family members soon.

Here are some pictures I’d like to share.

Check Your Understanding!

Vocabulary (単語リスト)

  1. Obstructions (障害物・邪魔なもの) – Things that block the view, such as buildings or trees.
  2. Journey (旅・移動) – A trip from one place to another.
  3. Instead (代わりに) – Used to say that one thing is done in place of another.
  4. Overall (全体的に・総合的に) – In general; considering everything.
  5. Background (背景・後ろの景色) – The area behind the main subject in a picture.
  6. Supposed to (〜するはず・〜する予定だった) – Expected to do something or have a certain plan.
  7. Turned out (結果的に〜になった・最終的に〜だった) – Used to describe how something ended or the final result.
  8. Give up (諦める・やめる) – To stop trying to do something.

A. Fill in the Blanks (空欄に適切な単語を入れましょう)

Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the vocabulary list.

  1. There were many trees and buildings, so we couldn’t see the mountain because of the ________.
  2. I forgot my umbrella, so I used my jacket ________.
  3. Our flight was delayed, but the ________ trip was still fun!
  4. The teacher told us we were ________ to finish our homework before class.
  5. The castle looks small because it is in the ________, far from the camera.
  6. I was worried about the picture, but it ________ really nice!

B. True or False (正しいか間違いか)

Write T (True) or F (False) for each statement.

  1. The writer successfully took a picture of the Shinkansen with Mt. Fuji.
  2. The writer ate Fujinomiya’s famous yakisoba.
  3. The writer traveled alone to Fujinomiya.
  4. The writer wants to visit Fujinomiya again.

Answer Sheet (解答シート)

A. Fill in the Blanks (空欄に適切な単語を入れましょう)

  1. Obstructions (障害物・邪魔なもの)
  2. Instead (代わりに)
  3. Overall (全体的に・総合的に)
  4. Supposed to (〜するはず・〜する予定だった)
  5. Background (背景・後ろの景色)
  6. Turned out (結果的に〜になった・最終的に〜だった)

B. True or False (正しいか間違いか)

  1. T (True)
  2. F (False)
  3. F (False)
  4. T (True)



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